These leaders continually seek to surface“missing conversations.” They fully understand the power of conversations to bring forth 2 important types ofResults: quantitative Results (productivity, profitability, achievement of certain metrics) and qualitative Results(workplace culture, levels of trust and cohesion, quality of relationships, public identity). Effective leaders know that language generates and creates, and that strength in leadership = strength in designing and convening effective conversations. Habit 2: Highly effective leaders engage in conversations with intentionality and purpose, and are mindful of their language. Habit 1: Highly effective leaders are self-aware, in 3 particular ways: 1) They understand that they are the authors of their own interpretations, explanations and beliefs, and that these interpretations, explanations and beliefs ultimately drive their Actions and their Results 2) They are aware of how their moods and emotions impact how they think, act and react and 3) They understand how their physical bodies impact – and are impacted by – their language and their moods. It is with homage to Stephen Covey – and drawing directly from our 2015 book “ Language and the Pursuit of Leadership Excellence: How Extraordinary Leaders Build Relationships, Shape Culture and DriveBreakthrough Results” – that we share our list below.
Stephen Covey’s groundbreaking best-seller “ The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change”, first published in 1989, was one of the very first books that outlined the importance of emotional and relational competencies for both personal and professional success.